If you have any questions please call the Athletic Office, 651-480-7597 or email kriscook@isd200.org.
In order to be eligible to receive an athletic and/or fine arts scholarship you MUST complete the following steps:
The athletic fees will be changing once approved by District 200 School Board at the June meeting. Fees will be as listed below:
Tier 1 - $195.00
Tier 2 - $220.00
Tier 3 - $285.00
INDIVIDUAL MAXIMUM - Max of 3 activities up to $660.00 If you have reached the Individual Max you must call to verify prior to registering.
FAMILY MAXIMUM - Maximum of $880.00 per family. Family Max will be automatically calculated in the Affinety Program.
Single game tickets and season pass tickets may be purchased online in advance. We have partnered with GOFAN as our digital ticket vendor. Use the GoFan link below to purchase tickets.
WE DO NOT ACCEPT CASH FOR ADMISSION TO AT ANY HOME EVENTS. You may purchase electronic tickets online in advance or purchase tickets at the door with a debit/credit card.
Student athletes are required to have a current Sports Qualifying Physical on file in the High School Athletic Office. Physicals are good for three years. Physicals must be valid through the end of the sport season in which they are registering for. Physical dates may be viewed in your infinite campus portal under the health tab. Bring the MSHSL Sports-Qualifying Physical form to your appointment! A link to that form is provided below.
Completed physicals can be dropped off at the High School Athletic Office, emailed to kriscook@isd200.org or faxed to 651-480-7598.