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Alpine Ski Team Transportation and Welch Village Race Waiver

All athletes must complete and return the  Alpine specific transportation waiver.  This waiver allows athletes to be transported to and or from practice by a parent or guardian.  It also allows Athletes to drive themselves to and from practice.  No car pooling is allowed.

Below is the link the Liability Waiver is required by Welch Village in addition to the season pass waiver in order to compete or practice.

Hastings Raiders Represented at the State Meet

Congratulations to 10th grader James McNamara for finishing in 53rd position at the MSHSL Alpine State Meet.

State Meet Qualifier James McNamara

Captains Finn Caturia, Gavin Molitor, Alexa Loritz, Addison Maniak

Bettering the community

Great time helping downtown

Need some HELP??? Click on the link below to our Hastings Alpine Ski Team Guide

Hastings Alpine Guide

Please Click on the Link below for a guide to the Hastings Alpine Ski Team

Guide to the Hastings Alpine Ski Team

Clcik on the link above to access our Hastings Alpine Ski Team guide. A google document to assist you and answer some questions you may have!

We are communicating on BAND!

Team members and parents please follow the link below to our BAND site.  It is also available as a mobile APP.

    Traveling in Style

    Traveling in Style